As I sought the Lord for His word for this weekend's message, I was prompted to return to the prophetic words I received earlier in the year. I knew I had a time period where God was speaking quite a bit, but I had not shared everything at the time or just released it to a small group of people. As I read this word, I realized how necessary it is for the body of Christ to hear how God promises to protect those He calls His children.
As many of you are aware, President Trump was found "guilty" this week for apparently covering up hush money. I think the biggest issue with this verdict is the evidence of a corrupt jury and judge. It seems, however, that no matter how much evidence is given over any situation, if a person does not want to hear the truth, then they won't. It was that way in the days that Jesus Christ was on the earth and it remains that way today.
The Pharisees refused to believe that Jesus was the Messiah, even when presented with evidence in the form of miracles. Jesus said that lawlessness would abound and the love of many would grow cold (Matthew 24:12). We see it happening in our justice system and on the campuses of America's universities. A terrible tide has turned in favor of Satan. However, God is a God of promise and when all things are shaking, He says that His kingdom will not be shaken. The kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21); therefore, let us not be shaken in these turbulent times.
When fear is whispering, we shout back with songs of praise! Glory to the Lord, for His mercy is new every day, and He has each of you covered with His mighty wings, and His powerful talons shall strike the force of darkness whenever His children speak against it! His teeth, as the Lion of Judah, shall tear down the strongholds of defeat, and His angel armies shall help us rebuild the wasted places. God is good, and there is none like Him.Â
We decree in agreement with the people of God across the nations that evil will not prevail against the Church. We rip the demonic covering off every dark assignment against our waterways, dams, and bridges. We deny access to the destructive spirits working against the November election. We declare that revival is at hand, and no human can stop what God is doing. We wait in faith for the hand of God to be upon the nations in a way that all will see and none will deny.
For the Lord would say watch My beloved and see what forces come against the darkness as long as My righteousness stands. I will take back and hand over to trusted stewards the treasures hidden in dark places (Isaiah 45:3), for they were stolen without My permission. There are times I did not approve of the enemy's attacks, and he did his will as he saw fit. These times will be reckoned with, and he will release what he holds in darkness.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I command a release of hope and faith to arise. I call forth your wayward child, your backsliding spouse, your finances, and your health, for the Lord will redeem these things because He desires to show lovingkindness to His children! In spite of darkness on the earth, you will arise, your light will shine, and you shall begin to count your victories. You counted your losses, says the Lord, but now arise, take up your shields and your swords because I am putting boots of war upon your feet. I will hold you fast, and you will NOT stumble, nor shall you fear. Make the decree of David, "Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?" - Ps 56:3-4
I pray the love of God is perfected deeply in your souls today, for the fear of the Lord shall be your portion as you pursue Him with all your heart. You are a Kingdom Seeker, Kingdom Releaser, and Kingdom Pursuer! Great and mighty exploits shall you do in My name, for I am with you always, and to the end of the age, I am with you! I shall shut the lion's mouth. I shall allow fires to lap around you, but they will not burn. Viper bites will be shaken off. Python strangleholds will be broken. I have done these things before and I will do it again. Watch and see if I do not do as I have spoken!