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Laugh With Those Who Laugh – Even When It Hurts!

Did you ever get upset over another person being blessed in an area you also wanted to be blessed?  Perhaps you envied someone's marriage, career, ministry, or their family?  If so, I want first to acknowledge that your feelings are real and they matter.  However, the emotional hurts of rejection or feeling overlooked should not rule you. 

It is in times of waiting that we must know Jesus Christ even more. We must take these thoughts captive by first recognizing that they are not of God and, secondly, by taking them to the Lord.

Paul taught that we are to 14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.  15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.  ­– Romans 12:14-15

The Bible tells us that 1 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:  4 A time to weep And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; - Ecc 3:1,4 

These verses tell us that everyone has seasons of joy and seasons of weeping, but just because we are not in the season of answered prayers does not entitle us to discourage others who are in a joyous season.  However, those in a joyous season should be tender with those who are not.  There is a way to give good news with a heart that embraces humility for the hearer who is still awaiting their joyous season.

Some of you will understand this, and some will not.  As a minister of Christ, I have watched many suffer from unexplainable losses.  I have watched my own family go without answers to prayer for decades.  In my waiting for God to give, I have had the opportunity to rejoice with those who rejoice for the same thing I am praying for.  I have also had many opportunities to weep with those in pain.  I have had to set aside my weeping journey to rejoice with others and vice versa.

I want to encourage you, before you get upset over the joyous occasion of another, think about what they might be doing differently.

Some people make Jesus Christ a lifestyle.  They live according to the law of Jesus Christ and have given themselves over to Him.   These people are not all in ministry, but they minister in the world.  Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments.   – John 14:15


The people who live their lives as if they are no longer theirs do everything differently.  They give faithfully without ever expecting anything back and acknowledge that it is God's to give, and He gives and takes away.

Perhaps the laws of reaping and sowing are working in their lives in their finances, marriages, wombs, and all other areas because they live under the law of reciprocity.  They give, and God gives back.  We exchange what we have and receive something back even when we are not expecting it because these are God's promises.

Several places in the Bible give us evidence of God's blessing on obedience.  Look at these two verses, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.

I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people. - Lev 26:12 NKJV

"I will dwell in them And walk among them.  I will be their God, And they shall be My people.   17 Therefore "Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord.  Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you." 18 "I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty." – 2 Corinthians 6:16b-18 

All of God's promises can be wrapped up in these verses.  If God is walking with you and you have stopped living as the world, you are going to walk in the blessings of the Lord.

But you might say that you are doing everything right.  Maybe you tithe and serve, tell people about Jesus, and are still in a desert place with unanswered prayers.  This is where you remain steadfast and do not give up.  Keep believing that even if you do not receive answered prayers here on earth, an eternity of bliss awaits you.

However, maybe you only want to believe that you are at a sacrificial place in your life, but you genuinely are not.  You know you have more, but you withhold from the Lord. 

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hand to do so.      – Pro 3:27


Can He trust you to steward everything He has offered you in this life?  As a pastor for almost ten years now, I can assure you that many people withhold from God. 

Do you give your time, energy, gifts, talents, finances, and abilities to God freely, or do people have to hunt you down to get them out of you?  Do you think of God every time you are blessed and have a desire to acknowledge Him and give Him something of what He has given you?  Only you and God know your actual heart condition in these areas.  Seek Him.

Jesus said to seek the Kingdom of God first, and everything you need will be given to you.  Why is this?  Because you are not self-seeking, and you present yourself as an instrument of righteousness to God out of love because love is not self-seeking. Love is firstly Kingdom seeking.

I want to encourage you to give in the areas you have a need.  Take a risk on God and allow Him to show you how faithful He is and trust Him to work out all the details.

Let's pray,

Heavenly Father, thank You for every blessing I have received, including those I have not recognized as blessings.  Forgive me for every time I withheld blessing another with what I have; forgive me for selfishness.  I see now and desire to walk in righteousness and humility.  I want to be a blessing to You and others.  I ask for Your help to conquer areas in my heart that still have not been yielded to You.  In Jesus' name, Amen

The video below speaks so beautifully through the words and pictures. I hope it blesses you:)


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