In a fallen society some people think having an affair is okay. It meets a need they are not getting in their marriage, or it fulfills a fantasy, or they are in bondage and can’t stop the behavior.
One might think that an affair with God is a sweet “love affair” destined for eternal life one day where you will give all your worship and time to Him. For now, the idea of giving yourself over to God fully and without reservation may sound impossible, and with man it is; with God, all things are possible.
Being married to the world while saying you are a Christian goes against everything the Bible says about being born again. Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. - Jas 4:4 NKJV
Loving the world while being in marriage to God is adultery. One day the bride will be invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Are you invited?
I believe questions can be very powerful. They make us think and get deeper into our souls and heart than statements. Here are some questions you might ask yourself.
Are you married to God or simply having an affair with Him to meet your needs? Is Jesus merely a friend with benefits, or are you truly in love with Him? Do you serve the Lord? Have you made Him Lord as well as Savior?
As you think about these questions, think about a time when you went to a doctor and were given a diagnosis. If this has happened to you, surely you know someone it has. Perhaps you asked the doctor what the prognosis was of the illness. Maybe he said it was chronic and you would never recover, or perhaps he said it could go into remission, but it would always be in your system.
A diagnosis is a process of identifying the cause of sickness through a thorough evaluation of the person. It is a critical analysis of the nature of something. To understand your sin condition, the word of God must go deep into your heart and soul so you can receive revelation. He will reveal the hidden sins, past sins, ancestor's sins, and anything else that keeps you from fully engaging with God.
There may be trauma, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, hatred, rejection, and a multitude of other unhealthy emotions running ramped in your soul, infecting your body. Without Holy Spirit, you will never find the diagnosis, and your prognosis will not be good.
No matter the diagnosis, you have two choices, fight it or face it. Fighting the diagnosis may be dissociating from the reality that something is wrong, leaving you helpless to do anything about it because you won't face the truth. Jesus said, the truth will set you free and who the Son set's free is free indeed! We cannot be freed from what we will not face.
When sin lies dormant in our hearts, we have a serious heart condition that has not been diagnosed. When we refuse to admit we are in sin, maybe it is because of a wrong belief of who God is. Merely saying you believe in Jesus Christ but not having a heart change is not enough. You have your old life to give up so the new life can come. Many belief systems keep people from plowing ahead in their relationship with God. They are stuck in lies and unhealthy, even demonic mindsets.
A prognosis describes the likelihood of recovery from a disease, it is a forecast, or a prediction. It is often based on a theory of what has been seen in the past with other patients of the same history.
However, if Holy Spirit is invited into the sickness, the prognosis is always eternal life. Jesus said, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. - Jhn 14:26
God gave you a diagnosis over your heart condition, your soul condition, and your overall well-being spiritually. The diagnosis for the world is all the same; sin leads to death. Jesus gave His body for our sins so we can have eternal life, but that's not all He died for.
The gap between God and us is closed through Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. He made a way for us to be raised from the dead. Our spirit that is born again is to rule over our souls, but if we do not feed our spirit, this cannot happen.
Since you came to believe in Jesus Christ, has your health improved? Do you see your sin-laden heart being healed and filled with righteousness, peace, and joy, which is the kingdom of God, or are you still living like the dead? Do you have a good prognosis over what once was a deadly diagnosis due to sin? Has God shown you there is improvement in your heart, or are you in the same condition as when you first received the gospel?
I know these are a lot of questions, but what if you took some time with the Holy Spirit and asked Him to help you identify any deadly diagnosis still operating in your heart and soul? He is faithful even when we are faithless. He is there with you now, wherever you are, whatever you're going through, and He desires that you be a faithful bride.
Let's pray,
Heavenly Father, I pray for forgiveness. I confess that I have been enticed by the world and have wandered away in my heart. I want to make Jesus my Lord and not take advantage of the salvation He offers. Help me to follow You in every way and to lead others in the way of truth. In Jesus' name, Amen