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Jesus Breaks Every Diagnosis

We have all heard the commercial or seen the tagline for milk – "Got Milk?" It gets our attention and makes us think about something we may need. Milk nourishes the body by feeding it the nutrients many of us lack in our diet. God created females with the ability to provide their young with this nutritional substance. The body requires food and water to live on, but the spirit needs Jesus. When our spirit is impoverished and malnutrition, we tend to find other ways to feed. Man created baby formula in place of God's original creation of milk. Humans are always trying to find a substitute for something God created with perfection. While it is true that some women are not able to breastfeed for a variety of reasons, it was not supposed to be that way. Sin interrupted the cycle of life and brought forth death. Jesus breaks those cycles when we invite Him into them.

The world is overstimulated with "must-haves, must-see, and must-hear" philosophy and opinions, but there is truly only one must-have, and that is Jesus Christ. The world is overwhelmed with mental illnesses of various kinds, but Jesus heals them all. He is the only one who can take a broken heart, a crushed spirit, and an anxious mind and make them all new.

"The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to [those who are] bound; - Isa 61:1 NKJV

Jesus breaks the yokes of bondage in every way; He sets people free and heals their shattered hearts.

You have heard the phrase "practicing medicine." The practice of medicine can help or hinder a person, especially when it comes to psychiatric care. The psychology world embraces various drugs that they use to manipulate the chemicals in the brain in hopes of getting a person stable in their emotions. Diagnosis ranges from clinical depression, three types of bipolar, schizophrenia, anxiety and panic disorder, ADD, ADHD, MPD, DID, and so on! So far, there have been few, if any, testimonies of a person recovering from such disorders through these methods.

When a person is submitted to God and His will, they will be led to the proper treatment for any illness, which will often come through supernatural deliverance and healing. Other times a person must go through a process to recover from a sickness. All times should be led by faith. When we think about a thing long enough, it can affect our physical bodies, our hearts, and minds. If a person has experienced a lot of trauma in their lives they can develop certain symptoms of disorders and become labeled with something that the world says cannot be healed. However, this is a ploy from the enemy to keep us in a place of hopelessness.

Jesus heals today, just as He did when He walked the earth.

1 Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. 2 He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. - Luk 9:1-2 NKJV

Later Jesus gave seventy more disciples this same authority. The body of Christ is called to be healed and release healing. A bound person cannot be of any benefit to the kingdom of God when they do not believe they can be healed. When we embrace the world's way as the way, we are choosing to be an enemy of God.

You adulterers! Don't you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God. – Ja 4:4 NLT

You might ask how embracing the world's systems is considered friendship. The word friend is translated from a Greek word that means "fond of." To be fond of something or someone is to prefer that thing or person. If a believer embraces the way of the world over God's way for their health, especially mental health, they may very well become an enemy of the Healer.

God declares, "For My thoughts [are] not your thoughts, Nor [are] your ways My ways," says the LORD. - Isa 55:8 Humans think in such a limited way, but God's thoughts are eternal and infinite. I want to encourage you to use the word of God to transform and renew your mind to the right spirit, the Spirit of God. The spirit of the world works in those who do not know God as Father, but this is not so if you have become born again.

Let's pray,

Heavenly Father, forgive me for embracing the way of the world in any form. Forgive me for seeking the world's will for my health instead of doing the work to embrace Your will. I ask forgiveness of all sins that have led me to remain in bondage and not receive the healing and freedom of the Cross. Jesus, I ask that Your Spirit strengthen me to live a holy life for You and seek the Father's will for my health, physically and emotionally. In Jesus' name, Amen


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